"Nora’s Bootdance class is amazing. It mixes a challenging bodyweight workout with learning a fun dance routine. Nora is so encouraging and she can accommodate any level of fitness or dance experience. The best parts are the laughs shared during class and being a part of the community that Nora is helping to build.”
- Jana
"Nora's teaching style is unparalleled. She has a way of encouraging you to reach your highest potential without ever making you feel pressured to pass your comfort zone. She combines cardio and strength and dance in a way that leaves me feeling like I've earned those Sunday pancakes and Mimosa!
I highly recommend this class to anyone."
- Jessie
"I really enjoy working out with Nora because it is always a great workout that she changes up regularly to keep it interesting. But most importantly there's a real focus on technique that I don't see in other classes. "